Check your email in 10 minutes for a message from Steve Harrison with full web class details

Check your email in 10 minutes for a message from Steve Harrison with web class details
Want the Fastest, Easiest Way to Become a Successful Author?
Take the #1 shortcut Jack Canfield took to make Chicken Soup for the Soul a mega-bestseller
From: Steve Harrison
Dear Friend:
Want to write a quality non-fiction book, get it published and make it a big success... perhaps even a major bestseller?
If you would, I invite you to...
10X Your Book's Success With
Jack Canfield's #1 Shortcut
One of the many smart things Jack Canfield did before he published the first Chicken Soup For The Soul book was search out many of the most successful authors of all time and ask them exactly how they did it.

Jack and his co-author Mark Victor Hansen knew the fastest way to hit any goal is to find someone who’s already done it and have them "show you the ropes."
So they asked these authors: "What are your secrets? What advice would you give an author who's just starting out today? What actually moved the needle for you... and what was a complete waste of your time?"
What Jack and Mark learned allowed them to make Chicken Soup one of the bestselling books of all time and to launch a publishing empire.
Get My Interviews with Eight Top Authors And Learn How They Write Great Books and Sell Lots of Copies

I've worked with more than 15,000 non-fiction authors over the last 30 years, and I'm always looking for ways to help them. So I decided to do what Jack Canfield did.
I turned to my friends, clients, and industry contacts, and recorded interviews with many of the biggest names in book publishing... bestselling authors, top agents, media experts, movers and shakers. These folks are responsible for millions and millions of book sales, and they reveal how you can have big success, too.
- When to self-publish and when to pitch your book to mainstream publishers - pros and cons as well as keys to success for both paths.
- How to avoid the mistakes almost all new authors make, which waste precious time and money.
- How to test potential book titles and come up with a winner before you write your first word.
- The step by step process to finding a great agent, negotiating a deal, and getting your first (or second) book out there quickly.
- Why books (especially self-published ones) are judged by their covers and how to get a great one designed for cheap.
- How to get celebrities and influencers to pitch your book to their platforms (for free).
- What it takes to hit the New York Times Best Seller List.
- What works (and doesn't work) when it comes to selling books.
- How to leverage blogs and review sites to sell a massive number of books online.
- How to build a huge online community of people who know, like and trust you using free social media.
- How to create a book that naturally attracts media coverage and helps you get massive credibility for just about anything you want.
- And much more...
Learn the Secrets of These Million Dollar Authors
I've hand-picked 9 of the very best interview sessions and packaged them together into a program called Million Dollar Author Interviews.
You'll discover how people just like you were able to turn their dreams into bestselling books and achieve both wealth and fame in their industries.
And when I say these folks are successful, I’m not kidding. Here's who you'll be learning from...

1. Tim Ferriss - You probably know The 4-Hour Workweek, but you may not realize Tim’s written 5 bestsellers and has leveraged being an author into a multi-million dollar personal brand. In this revealing segment, he shows you how to get the media to give you free publicity, and ultimately how to sell more books by working fewer hours. It’s one of my favorites.

2. Marci Shimoff - Marci Shimoff is a New York Times bestselling author who has sold over 14 million books, including Love for No Reason, Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup For The Woman’s Soul. In this session, she shares the formula all successful inspirational/self-help books use including the three big things readers want, how to generate bulk sales of your book, how to land speaking engagements and much more.

3. John Gray - Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus is considered one of the greatest relationship books of all time (over 50 million copies sold) and was on the New York Times Best Seller List for 121 straight weeks. John reveals the real secret to his success, and the mindset that led him from doing small seminars in his home to becoming a one of the most sought-after relationship experts in the world.

4. Rory Freedman - Without formal health training (or any credentials whatsoever), Rory and her partner launched one of the most successful diet books of all time, Skinny Bitch, which sold over a million copies and was on the New York Times Best Seller List for 92 weeks. She explains why you don’t need to have a degree, just passion and love for your market.

5. Dr. Kevin Leman - Best known for The Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are, Dr. Leman has over 30 bestselling books about relationships, marriage and family issues. He has appeared on Oprah, CNN, Good Morning America and The View. In this session, he explains how to package your information in a way that will make the media interested in featuring you over and over again.

6. Mark Sisson - Mark is the author of more than a dozen books including The Primal Blueprint, the #1 bestselling health book on Amazon.com, as well as the New York Times bestseller The Keto Reset Diet. He also runs the top-rated health and fitness blog MarksDailyApple.com. Hear how he built his blog from scratch and how he's used it to create a huge platform that has allowed him to sell hundreds of thousands of copies of his books and fuel an extremely successful nutritional supplement business.

7. Robyn Spizman - Robyn has written over 50 books, including Where’s Your Wow?: 16 Ways to Make Your Competitors Wish They Were You. This former art teacher and stay-at-home mom transformed herself into a TV and radio personality, and in this revealing session, she explains how you can do the same thing (and why the world needs to hear your message).

8. John Willig - John is an literary agent who’s been in the publishing business for 40 years. He worked at Harper Collins before becoming Executive Editor at Prentice Hall, and has successfully negotiated over 750 publishing agreements, so he really knows his stuff. He explains what mainstream publishers want, and how to get your first deal signed, sealed, and delivered.

9. Larry Schweikart - A professor of history at the University of Dayton, Larry is the author of more than a dozen books, including the bestseller The Politically Incorrect Guide to the American Revolution. Larry explains how to turn controversy into a powerful sales message, and how to use that to connect with your unique audience.

Now, imagine being able to sit down with each of these top authors and ask them exactly what they did to become so successful?
- How did they start out?
- How do they write quality books quickly?
- How do they come up with great titles and hooks?
- How do they leverage their book into free media and speaking engagements?
- Should you work with a co-author?
- How do you negotiate with publishers?
- How do you create back end products that monetize your platform?
- What worked best? What totally flopped or was a waste of time?
It’s like you are a spy, and you get to listen in and discover the most powerful techniques ever developed for aspiring authors who want to become bestsellers. And because I recorded these interview sessions, you can take it all in on your own time.
What Exactly Will You Learn?
There’s a ton of value in Million Dollar Author Interviews, and you will definitely have a huge advantage over anyone else trying to get their book published. It’s like having the most successful authors of all time as your guides.
Here's some of what you'll discover...
- How to create a killer outline that will get mainstream publishers drooling, and make them want to sign a book deal with you before you even start writing.
- How to build a powerful contact list of industry insiders who will write you testimonials, give you reviews, make recommendations, and help you get in the media.
- How to inexpensively outsource tedious book writing details using virtual research assistants.
- When to focus on physical book tours and when to rely on radio and online publicity channels.
- How to get your audience to help you market your book.
- How to work with co-authors, ghost writers and other industry insiders to get published in half the time.
- How to leverage your existing career, experience and education to write your book, and get a publishing deal.
- How to find bulk buyers who will order hundreds, even thousands, of copies of your book in one shot.
- How to turn your book into a personal brand you can leverage into speaking engagements, training courses and even coaching if you desire.
- How to get Google and other major search engines to send you hot prospects for free.
- Methods for developing a great title and why it can make or break your book.
- Advice for religious-based authors on how to make their books cross over to a secular audience.
- How to give great interviews that turn your message into a viral sensation that keeps going long after the interview is over.
- The two questions you must be able to answer to get a literary agent on your team.
- How to maximize the size of your advance, and when to hold out for a percentage deal.
And lots more — over 9 full hours of powerful tricks and tips from the world's most successful authors and publishing insiders.
You Get The Full Recordings And The Transcripts
If you like to listen to audios at home, in your car or while you work out, the Million Dollar Author Interviews are available online 24/7. You can also download them to your computer, tablet or phone.
And you'll get the full transcripts of the recordings, so you can scan or review them at your own pace, or even print them out and take notes.
A $423 Value... Now Yours For Just $27
In the past, we've charged $47 per session to listen to these interviews. Frankly, that was a great deal. This isn't information these authors are willing to share with just anyone. Each of these experts open up and share their most intimate knowledge about how to make a book a big success. They hold nothing back.
But I want to make you an offer you'd be crazy to pass up.
Here's the deal... I've taken the 9 best interview sessions, the ones that have the most powerful and actionable information. Remember: Other people have gladly paid $423 total to listen to them.
But because you've shown a real interest in taking action to write, publish and launch your book on the path to big success, I've decided to package these best 9 interviews together and offer them to you for only $27.
If you have any interest at all in becoming a bestselling author - and I know you do, because you signed up for my web class with Jack - how can you NOT take this next small step toward your goal?
Where else can you get so much valuable, inside advice from authors who've achieved tremendous success for such a small investment?
There's only one "catch." You have to be willing to act right now. Once this special offer is gone, it's gone, and the price heads back up. So click here now to get instant access to the Million Dollar Author Interviews!
30-Day Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee

Million Dollar Author Interviews will help you become a more successful author faster by revealing how others found success before you, and what they did to finally make it.
Take it for a risk-free 30-day test drive. If you don’t think it’s chock full of golden nuggets you can use right away to make you more successful, just let me know and I’ll immediately refund your payment and we part friends.
But I don’t think that’s going to happen...
You see, hundreds of people have already experienced the power of this program. Many have said they honestly wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s like having the most successful authors and publishing insiders on your team. I bet you'll feel the same way. Start discovering success secrets in the Million Dollar Author Interviews right now
The Easiest Way To Write And Publish A Successful Book
If you want to see your own book get published, there’s nothing better than following someone who has blazed the trail before you... someone who achieved what you want to achieve. Get the Million Dollar Author Interviews right away
Click the button above and pick up Million Dollar Author Interviews from this special offer page. You're getting $423 worth of book success secrets for a $27 song... that's over 90% off!
But you're not just getting a great deal. You're getting a deep understanding of how the most successful modern authors got that way... and you're finding out what you can do to position yourself for big success, too. Grab your copy of Million Dollar Author Interviews now and start learning top authors’ secrets!

Steve Harrison
PS - It’s been said that smart learn from their own mistakes, but wise people learn from the mistakes of others. Why waste time trying to reinvent the wheel? Make much faster progress as an author by letting the top authors you'll meet in the Million Dollar Author Interviews share their secrets of success, plus tell you what mistakes to avoid.
Steve Harrison’s
Million Dollar
Author Interviews
Hear top authors share their
secrets with you
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